The Kannada movie UI (2024) entered its second week at the box office amidst stiff competition from Kiccha Sudeep’s Max. Directed by Upendra, this film, which began its journey with a strong opening weekend, has seen a dip in collections over the weekdays. Let’s take a closer look at how the movie has performed over its 8-day run and the challenges it faces moving forward.
UI (2024) 8-Day All Language Box Office Collection
Day | Gross Collection (₹ Cr) |
Day 1 | ₹8.55 Cr |
Day 2 | ₹7.75 Cr |
Day 3 | ₹8.20 Cr |
Day 4 | ₹2.90 Cr |
Day 5 | ₹2.66 Cr |
Day 6 | ₹3.10 Cr |
Day 7 | ₹1.32 Cr |
Day 8 | ₹1.05 Cr* |
Total | ₹35.53 Cr* |
Competition Impact: Max Effect
The release of Kiccha Sudeep’s Max, a highly anticipated action thriller, just five days after UI’s release has significantly affected the latter’s box office performance. While UI received a mixed response from the audience, Max garnered positive reviews, pulling much of the audience attention.
The direct competition has made it harder for UI to sustain its momentum during weekdays and this dip in collection shows the movie’s struggle to find its target audience.
Will UI Cross the ₹50 Crore Milestone?
To achieve a “hit” status, UI needs to gross ₹50 Cr. With its current total at ₹35.53 Cr, the film still needs ₹14.47 Cr to reach this benchmark. The upcoming weekend will play a crucial role in determining whether the film can bridge this gap and attract enough footfall to boost its earnings.