Kaatera is an upcoming Indian Kannada-language action drama film directed by Tharun Sudhir and produced by Rockline Venkatesh. The film stars Darshan, Debutant Aradhana Ram and Jagapathi Babu. The music is composed by V. Harikrishna while the cinematography and editing are handled by Sudhakar. S. Raj and K. M. Prakash.
Budget: ₹ 50 Cr * Approx
Day 1:- 20cr
Day 2:- 10cr
Day 3:- 15cr
1st Week:-65/70cr
Life Time:-100/110cr
Kaatera is an action drama movie story and screenplay written by Jadesh Kumar Hampe Movie and it is directed by Tharun Kishore Sudhir( Chowka and Roberrt). The movie casts Darshan and Radhana Ram (Daughter Of Malashree) in the main lead roles along with Jagapathi Babu, Kumar Govind, and many others have seen in supporting roles. The music was composed by V Harikrishna while the cinematography was done by Sudhakar S Raj and it is edited by K M Prakash. The film is produced by Rockline Venkatesh under Rockline Entertainments banner. DBoss Darshan and Tharun joined hands for 3rd time after the blockbuster movie Roberrt. Sandalwood Queen Malashree’s daughter Radhana Ram making her debut as a leading actress through Kaatera.
Kaatera movie is all set to release in theaters on December 29, 2023.