The highly anticipated Joker 2, also known as Joker: Folie à Deux premiered in theaters worldwide on October 2, 2024. Directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, the film continues the story of Arthur Fleck (Joker) with a deep dive into his psyche. Fans are eager to know when they can stream the sequel online after its theatrical run.
OTT Release Date
According to early reports Joker 2 is to debut on OTT platforms in 29 October 2024. it’s highly probable that the movie will be available on HBO MAX.
Where to Watch Joker 2 Online
Joker: Folie à Deux is expected to be released on MAX, Warner Bros.’ primary streaming platform. This is in line with Warner Bros.’ distribution strategy as they typically release their major films on MAX after a significant theatrical run.
Box Office Struggles and Reception
Despite the hype, Joker 2 underperformed at the box office with estimates projecting significant financial losses ranging from $150 million to $200 million. As of mid-October 2024 the film grossed $165.3 million worldwide falling short of the $375 million break-even point.
Plot and Performances
The film follows Arthur Fleck’s journey inside Arkham Asylum, where he forms a deep connection with Harley Quinn played by Lady Gaga. The performances particularly Gaga’s portrayal of Harley Quinn have been praised, though the film itself received mixed reviews. Phoenix’s return as Joker delivered a potent performance but critics felt that Joker 2 failed to capture the magic of its predecessor.
With mixed box office results and divided critical reception, Joker: Folie à Deux remains a significant release of 2024. Fans eagerly await its OTT debut to witness the continuation of Arthur Fleck’s dark and unsettling journey.