Dhootha is a Well made predictable horror thriller. The show is partly intriguing, in the eight-episode horror show, Naga Chaitanya’s Sagar Varma Avduri plays a journalist. The opening sequence shows him taking over Samachar media company as the chief editor. He tells his team that a journalist is a messenger between the government and the public, but he doesn’t practice what he preaches. In short, ‘Dhootha’ is about people who fail to keep their promises.
Rating:- 3.5/5
Dhootha the telugu webseries starring Nagachaitanya ,Parvathi and Priya Bhavani Shankar in lead roles.
The series looks interesting and gripping although series starts off with an Intresting aspect mystery and the main plot resolves around how a journalist could save himself and his wife from dootha ,the messenger,
Who is dootha why he is chasing this journalist what is his intension behind this and why it is all started and what is the connection to Nagachaitanya to get answers for all this you have to watch the series
Performence:-Coming to the actors performances all the lead actors are aptly delivered impressive performances Nagachaitanya as journalist has nailed in his character it is the first time he is playing this character it looks fresh and he really did a great job can say one of his super performances in his career and all the other supportive actors did their best.
Mainly parvathi as investigation officer rocks the show with her settle performance and intresting screen presence she gave her best asusual in her role.
Priya Bhavani sankar also looks pretty in her role rest of all cast and crew did their best
Dhootha the telugu webseries starring Nagachaitanya ,Parvathi and Priya Bhavani Shankar in lead roles.
The series looks interesting and gripping although series starts off with an Intresting aspect mystery and the main plot resolves around how a journalist could save himself and his wife from dootha ,the messenger,
Who is dootha why he is chasing this journalist what is his intension behind this and why it is all started and what is the connection to Nagachaitanya to get answers for all this you have to watch the series.
Technicalities are good production values are just awesome important mention goes to the cinematographer most of the series runs in rainbackdrop the way he captured the sense of rain in each frame looks stunning and pulled that thrilling edge through minute details Bgm is also good.
The series goes in intresting and keeps engaging although, screenplay flairs apart but all the twists and parts are impressive and also worked well on screen.
n the past, Director Vikram Kumar gifted fans a brilliant horror film titled ‘Yavarum Nalam 13B’, which remains one of his best works to date. With ‘Dhootha’, he ventured into the world of OTT with the horror genre. the web series appears quite predictable but keeps you engage fails to evoke a ‘wow’ factor. Despite having a solid backstory